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[050310 02:23] 1b5ea, *Drake: ??
[050311 03:07] 17063, Peanut: wow...Tam *blinks* talking about old faces popping out of the woodwork*
[050312 06:16] 54a1b, Tamarack X: ((hmm.. it;s been more than a week since my last postings... since nobody else seems to be playing here, I make the challenge that as of right now, um,. March 10, New York is an Anarch city.. totally overrun...
[050312 06:16] 54a1b, Tamarack X: ((hmm.. it;s been more than a week since my last postings... since nobody else seems to be playing here, I make the challenge that as of right now, um,. March 10, New York is an Anarch city.. totally overrun...
[050312 06:17] 54a1b, Tamarack X: ... if anyone is up to the challenge, I'll be back to defend it.. or at least cause some shit to make it hard to establsih for another clan anyway))
[050312 06:17] 54a1b, Tamarack X: .. GO!
[050312 19:46] 17063, Kay: hmmm
[050312 19:46] 17063, Kay: *grumbles* missed by an hour...
[050312 19:49] 17063, Kay: Anyhoot Tamarack, if you get a moment, anyway someone could contact you? *L* Or hell contact me or AIM: KC Kay99 *poofs as no one else is here*
[050313 02:24] 34c83, *Jenks: ((hmmmmm*looks around the room*))
[050314 01:35] 64ec1, katzia: *grins and looks at the dusty old room* wow....
[050314 01:36] 64ec1, katzia: *slips out if anybody gets bored wants to rp* dizyangie is my aim
[050314 03:21] 78999, Pan: *peeks in* yoo hoo....... anyone here
[050314 03:23] 78999, Pan: *pouts* *sighs mournfully* I guess no one is here ....
[050314 03:25] 78999, Pan: oh well. *shrugs* Just wanted to send a hi to the bunches of people I haven't chatted with in forever like Cinnamon and Emmy, Insane (are you still around?), Topaz, Mike.... hey everyone
[050314 03:25] 78999, Pan: Miss ya'll..... *hugs all around* see you later